Let's be honest, Reader,Life would be easier if things were just black & white, am I right? Like, can we PLEASE just get a handbook for this adulting thing?! Alas, no such luck. This journey is a bit...nuanced. I dont know about you, but I really struggle with the grey areas. Things would be so much simpler if there were only two options: wrong or right. (Anyone else just have flashbacks to filling in bubbles with a no.2 pencil? LOL) I wish it wasn't so, but life is not a multiple choice test. It's more like, an open-ended, essays only kind of thing. The minute I surrendered the illusion of controlling outcomes on this wild ride, was the moment I was finally felt some sense of empowerment. You see, I was trying to fit everything in a box, wrap it half-hazardly, top it with a bow & cross my fingers that if it looks like a prize, then it is a prize. Unfortunately, this left me feeling super anxious, completely helpless & constantly beating myself up around my lack of perfection. AKA, no way to live. Here's the biggest goldmine lesson I've learned in my 30-something years on this floating rock: BOTH/AND. "Huh? That's not a lesson, silly Sammy. Those are like, conjunctions or something." Yes, sure, but they are also full of wisdom! You can be both completely in love with your partner and want to murder them for the way they load the dishwasher. You can be both grateful AF for your children and also joyfully sprint out the door singing the "Hallelujah Chorus" on date night. You can be both amazing at your job and also crave something totally different. You don't have to get a divorce, sell your kids on the black-market or quit your job Office Space style just because you feel these things. You can be/feel/do two things at once. It's totally okay. In fact, it's really healthy to embrace these dualities. So, now what? Now it's time to break out of the invisible box you've put yourself in because your mom or society or your bestie made you think it was the only way. You'll feel SO fucking free once your brain catches on to this new mindset. Give it a try and see what comes up for you! I'd love to know, what are some hard and fast rules you've set for yourself that you're ready to unleash from? Hit reply! I'm a real-life, fully-flawed and fleshy human over here on the other side. (; Much love & gratitude, Sammy
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